Beit Emanuel Matters, 9 October 2021

Micah’s Battie

Micah Shapiro became Bat Mitzvah last Saturday and it was a memorable event, with Micah bringing credit to herself, her family, her teachers and the Shul. As there was a videographer on site, I unfortunately didn’t record the Zoom proceedings, which in hindsight was not a great call. My apologies to the family for this.

Happening this Shabbat

Our Shabbat evening and morning services this week will be “hybrid”, i.e. a combination of in-person and online (Zoom). Please be patient in the event of the occasional hitch with muting/unmuting or feedback “storm” in Shul. We will be working on improving our audio (and possibly video) infrastructure in Shul to facilitate our hybrid services, which will probably always be with us going forward. Please join us at 18h00 Friday evening or 09h30 Saturday morning, in Shul or on Zoom. All (COVID-19) protocols observed. Please see below for the detail on that.

As mentioned in last week’s Bulletin, there’s a B’Mitzvah each week in October (apart from this weekend), as follows:

16th, Bnei Mitzvah Challens family
23rd, Bnei Mitzvah Mostert family
30th Bat Mitzvah Beth Levin

Due to the numbers game we need to play to respect social distancing limits, we earnestly request that only invited guests attend any of the Bnei Mitzvah in person. For the rest of us, the services will be live on Zoom, and also streamed to Youtube.

Praying with Beit Emanuel

Our Jewish Identity (JID) Subcom would like to get a better idea of what our congregants (and friends) think of our services. Although we launched this short survey over the HHD season, we’d like feedback regarding our services in general, not just the HHD services.
Your input would be much appreciated!

Praying with Beit Emanuel
Questionnaire about the services at Beit Emanuel

Leaf blower

Glenda Mansell kindly donated a leaf blower to the Shul, in response to my appeal in last week’s Bulletin. Our gardener, Edgar Banda, has undertaken to not use it during office hours, to prevent the “leaf blower rage” immortalised in this Madam & Eve comic strip.

Shabbat Shalom!


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