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Beit Emanuel welcomes applications for membership from anyone who is Jewish
Jewish’ for the purpose of membership of the synagogue means either
(i) that a person was born to a Jewish mother or
(ii) has converted to Judaism under the auspices of a Jewish religious authority recognized by the South African Association of Progressive Rabbis (SAAPR) and the South African Union for Progressive Judaism (SAUPJ).
The Rabbi will ask you to provide documentary evidence of Jewish status. If you have any questions about this, please consult our Rabbi who will be pleased to assist you, or call 011-646 6971
Our membership application can be downloaded by following this link - Membership Application Form or for convinience See below

Full Membership including all life cycle services
(Baby-Naming, Bar/Bat Mitzvah’s /Funerals)
Single - R470 per month
Single Plus, including children 6-25 years - R702 per month
Couple - R702 per month
Family - R940 per month
Pay as you Use –
(Young Adults and those on a limited income)
Life cycle events are available at an extra charge
Single - R255 per month
Single Plus - R390 per month
Couple - R390 per month
Family - R510 per month
Reduced rates for Pensioners (includes life cycle event)
Single - R280 per month
Couple - R435 per month
For Non-Jewish people who wish to support the shul as a Friend of Beit Emanuel, the fees are per the PAYU option above.
Membership Requirements
The Synagogue requires the Rabbi to certify that all new members are Jewish in accordance with burial societies, schools, welfare society rules which require formal proof of Jewish status. Please upload any documents you have to establish your Jewish status:
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