Beit Emanuel Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on 16th February

Beit Emanuel’s Annual General Meeting is in three weeks, on Thursday, 16 February, and all paid-up members are welcome to speak, to volunteer and to vote, whether you’re a once-a-year-Jew or a regular.

The Rabbi, the Chairman and the Treasurer will present annual reports on activities during the year, plans for the future and the state of the bank balances. The key business will be the election of a new Management Committee. Several members of the current committee have indicated that they will stand again. There will nonetheless be vacancies, and some important functions need filling by people who can bring a new energy to the committee. Even if you have no desire to stand for election, there are certain kinds of voluntary activity in which we always need help:

  • Planning and executing of events, ranging from Pesach Seders to Purim fun days to fundraisers and concerts.
  • Marketing and communications of Beit Emanuel events.
  • Security.
  • Care for the sick and Tikkun Olam.

The Management committee consists of a minimum of ten people elected at the AGM, to which another four co-opted members may be added. The committee generally meets once a month. A small Executive consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer meets more often. The AGM will also elect one member of the Board of Guardians, which is an oversight committee, to serve a three-year term. Guardians are required to have served previously on the Management Committee; they are generally former office-bearers.

Those members who wish to put resolutions before the AGM must do so by 2 February, 14 days before the meeting. The AGM starts at 7.00pm in the Slome Auditorium. Refreshments will be provided afterwards.

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